Sunday, February 08, 2009

(Caleb's) Life in the 'Knife

The story of Caleb’s birth begins on Thursday morning. Jen woke up and noticed that she was encountering contractions of the “legitimate” variety. By 9:00 pm, we were able to time them and reliably predict when they should be coming. It took until 4am Friday morning before they were frequent and regular enough to warrant going to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Jen was crushed to learn that she was not very far along. After another 5 hours of contractions, she didn’t get very much further. The nurse gave Jen a shot of Demerol and recommended that we go home for a while.

By 6 pm Friday, the contractions were stronger. We went back to the Hospital.

In the end, Jen decided that after several months of limited physical activity arising from the pregnancy, she would celebrate its conclusion with 28 hours of contractions every five minutes and a grand finale of six hours of pushing. While I commend her dedication to getting exercise and physically exhausting herself, I have counselled her that next time we should take smaller steps. Nevertheless, I am very proud of her effort.

While we were in the hospital, there were some other moms-to-be that tried to compete with Jen’s endurance. They were all weaker than Jen and gave up (or rather, gave birth) while Jen was still going strong. We had the satisfaction of hearing not one, but two babies being born in the labour room next to us while Jen was labouring onwards. Jen’s effort was so monumental, that the obstetrician was called in from his home to admire her and give her pointers on how to bring this Magnificent Opus to conclusion.

The pointers worked, and Caleb was born without further incident in the afternoon of February 7, 2009.

Upon arrival, Caleb found that the birthing process was sufficiently undignified that he did not need to belabour the point by shouting and causing a fuss. He gave a few coughs and some obligatory signs of good health. This was enough to convince the nurse that he was ready for life on the outside.

Since arriving outside, Caleb has had some serious concerns with this type of lifestyle. He has some (valid) complaints with how cold, bright, loud, and hungry life is outside the womb. But with the same stoic resolve that he showed at birth, he is quick to return to an agreeable demeanour once the offending situation has been cleared up.

Both baby and mommy are happy and healthy. We have obtained 3rd party confirmation that Caleb is, objectively, a very cute young man with a pleasant temperament. He sends his best and looks forward to meeting everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Byron! What a cutie and a wonderful story. Can't wait to meet him in person. Love all three of you.

2/09/2009 6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there cute little family!!
A Big Congratulations to you!! So glad to see pictures, and video! So happy for you both. Jen- YOURE A MOMMMM!! Can you believe it?? Im so excited for you. Im trying to hunt down youre yellowknife number- seems like I have every number but that one..
Ill talk to you soon!!
Love, Amanda

2/09/2009 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulation Byron and Jen! I applaud you Jen for your labor....I thought mine was tough....then I read your story!!! He is a beautiful boy, enjoy him, it goes sooo fast.

Your cousin Kristin, Rob and baby Stella

2/09/2009 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Byron, Jen and baby Caleb,

So nice to see pictures of the newest member of the family! What a cutie! Hope things are well for you and that you are able to get some rest in the next little while (especially you Jen, you must have been exhausted by the end of your labour). Congrats!

Lindsay & Darren

2/09/2009 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love, Auntie Amy

2/09/2009 3:48 PM  
Blogger Annette said...

Congratulations, Byron and Jen. Beautiful boy -- great name! The video is awesome!

Many blessings to the three of you.

Love, Aunt Annette

2/09/2009 5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Byron & Jen. He is a beautiful baby. Enjoy your blessing. I can imagine Grandma Julie & Grandpa Jeff are anxious to meet him. It is such a wonderful time.
Uncle RIck & Auntie Gail

2/09/2009 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jen and Byron and Caleb!
Wow! Congratulations on the safe arrival of Caleb Thanks for the story--you made it, Jen! What a tough go--but we are so thankful that both you and Caleb (and Byron) are healthy.
We all loved the video of Caleb (he is absolutely beautiful!)--and David and Nathan came running when they heard your voice because they thought it was me talking! Anyways, we love you. Trish and Turk, David and Nathan

2/09/2009 7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pictures and video Byron and Jen. What a cutie Caleb is. I love the name. I am over at Ann Marie's looking at the pictures now. Congratulations and God Bless.Looking forward to more pictures in the future. I'm a great grandma now and it's a good feeling. Love Grandma Dolan

2/09/2009 8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenn and Byron,
Caleb is just beautiful! Jenn, he reminds me of when I saw you for the first time--that wonderful coppery glow! Thanks for sharing your story and photos. We are so thankful that despite a long, difficult labour you all--Jennifer, Byron and Caleb-- are doing well. Can't wait to meet Caleb. Take care.
With love,
Rube and Henry

2/10/2009 11:13 AM  
Blogger Wayne&Renee said...

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2/10/2009 2:22 PM  
Blogger Wayne&Renee said...

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2/10/2009 2:39 PM  
Blogger Wayne&Renee said...

WOW! These are amazing pictures. And hearing you on the video makes the whole thing so real. You have a baby!! And how cool is it that Caleb will have "Yellowknife" as his birth place? You are a beautiful little family and I can't wait to meet Caleb in person. Hopefully it will be soon! I hope all goes well over the next few days and weeks as you experience so many firsts. Congrats and God bless.
Lots of love,

2/10/2009 2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Jen and Byron! Also from Opa and myself congratulations! Caleb! He's very cute!And worth the wait, right?Enjoy the time, also when your Mom comes to stay with you for a bit.Who knows, maybe we'll get to see him this summer?Byron, thanks for the reportage! You did a great story, very interesting.Love to all of you from Opa and Oma Roukema, Caleb's great grandparents. Didy.

2/15/2009 4:45 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Congrats Jen & Byron! Cute baby!

2/16/2009 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you guys ! What a super, cute baby !

I didn't know that you had a blog; I read all your posts and found it quite interesting.

Andrea and I couldn't believe Jen's stamina in being able to pull through that many hours of contractions and pushing. Very impressive.

Michel, Andrea, Jean-Paul

2/22/2009 2:51 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Were they ever really that small? I don't remember.


9/13/2009 5:16 PM  

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