Two weeks ago we were lucky to have more visitors. Grandpa and Grandma (Byron's parents) flew up with Uncle Jordan for visit. We had a great time and really enjoyed showing them all that Yellowknife has to offer (snow, subzero temperatures, wind, frostbite). I can't think of a better place to spend spring break!!

Here is Caleb having one of many snuggles with Grandma. He also loved playing with Grandma and she could always be counted on to convince Caleb to smile!!

We managed to arrange for Caleb to be baptized while they were in town. It was wonderful to have family there to witness Caleb's initiation into the the Church.

Here is Caleb sporting his beautiful white gown (note: although Byron would argue otherwise it is not a dress; it was a white gown which represented Caleb's nice clean white soul:). This is the same baptism gown that I (Jen) wore for my baptism.

Here is Byron and Jordan standing in front of the Snow Castle. Basically it is exactly what it sounds like - a castle built entirely out of snow. For those of you who are wondering... it is built on Great Slave Lake, that blue house in the background is actually a houseboat that is currently surrounded by ice. So... like I said Yellowknife during Spring Break (well, we might as well call it March Break because it is obviously not spring here!!) is obviously a prime vacation spot. Where else can you still have a lake so frozen solid you can have a parking lot on it!!
Our trip to the Snow Castle was Caleb's first trip outside (other than in his carseat where we have a 'snuggle bag' that covers him entirely). He stayed nice and warm inside my parka.

Here we all are inside an igloo inside the ice castle.

Caleb and Grandpa sizing each other up.

Jordan is now taller than Byron, so Byron needed to show him who is still the older brother.

My personal favorite picture of Caleb... isn't he gorgeous!!!

Caleb and Mommy having a snuggle

Caleb meeting his Uncle Jordan (this first aunt or uncle to meet him - thus imprinting on Caleb that he is to be the favourite and coolest uncle!!)