Spring in the Knife
Well... Spring has sprung here and we are enjoying seasonably warm temperatures (+20). Which is likely why this blog hasn't been updated recently (nice excuse eh!!). In fact I blame lots of things not getting done on the nice weather. For instance... last night, instead of cleaning up after dinner, we went for a walk to the park. My kitchen may be a mess but I have wonderful memories of Caleb walking around... looking at the willows budding... playing in the sand... sliding on the slide... etc. Definitely worth the big stack of dishes waiting for me this morning. Here are some other pictures of Caleb this spring.
Earlier in March we went to a small cabin for the day with some friends. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time there.
Caleb and Winnie enjoying the beautiful day as much as one can in those snowsuits.
The Cabin was... rustic. Plywood rustic... not big beams rustic. It's the Scouts cabin up here (our friend is a Scout leader)... so it has all the basics but not much more (can't have those Scouts getting soft).
And last but not least... Caleb eating... finally. There were times when we really didn't think this day would come. Caleb didn't really start eating until a month or two ago and it is only in the last few weeks that he has finally figured out how to swallow anything that wasn't yogurt. H used to put lots of food in his mouth, suck on it for a while and then spit it out half an hour later (when he had been released from the highchair and was in the living room... on the carpet... lovely). In this picture, Caleb is attempting for the first time to feed himself yogurt. He was quite successful, what he lacks in technique and neatness, he makes up for in enthusiasm. And just for further evidence that Caleb is finally eating... a video.
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