Caleb on the Move
Well, it's September here and officially fall. We had our last nice summery day on Thursday. Caleb and I decided to ignore the mountain of laundry and go to the beach. Definitely the right decision. Caleb has become a very busy little boy. So busy that we had to get a baby gate (and we don't even have any stairs!). We put it by the entrance to the living room so that he is trapped in that one room. Other than teething... Caleb is doing just great.
Here is Caleb playing with his cell phone. We had an old one of Byron's and he loves to push the buttons and flip the screen. However, he still tries to get our phone any time we are talking on it.
Fresh peas from our garden. Some were boiled and fed to Caleb who in no way appreciated the lovely organic and locally grown-ness of them.
When Caleb wakes up from his nap, he is quite quiet. You hear some rustling but that's it. Then he starts to call and I go get him. No crying necessary. This particular time I heard him rustle and then I heard some strained grunting. Apparently Caleb had stood up and then dropped his soother onto the bed (which is beside his playpen). He is tall enough to peek over and see it but not to reach it.
We are trying to teach Caleb to drink from a sippy cup (we tried a bottle but it was a complete flop... so we figured we'd go straight to sippy cups). He is still getting the hang of it.
Here is our new baby gate. When we first set it up Caleb thought it was really cool. He was using it to stand up and licking it and touching it. Then I climbed over to the other side to get stuff from the kitchen... it dawned on Caleb what the purpose of this gate was. He was not super impressed, but I suppose discovering that the universe doesn't revolve around your desires is just part of growing up.
Caleb's new obsession is with our wind chimes. He loves them, we actually had to move them once so he could concentrate on dinner.
Caleb is so cute! I love his smile. And he is a good crawler. And what do you mean the universe doesn't revolve around me?
I love love love how he stops to get his suckie. Very cute!
Tell Caleb not to go telling Colin about all this crawling business.
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