Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay with this post. It's been a little busy here. Some of you may already know that Byron is changing jobs, he starts his new job at Diavik (one of the diamond mines up here) on Monday. So it has been a bit of a hectic week wrapping up everything at his old job. He is looking forward to getting some different accounting experience in a private corporation (as opposed to his old job which was public practice).
Caleb and I have been keeping busy. He continues to be a very charming little boy and is bringing a lot of joy to our lives. He is smiling and cooing a lot now. He has also just discovered that he is able to control his hands (somewhat)!!! He will sit in his little bouncy chair and just wave them in front of his face for ~10 minutes in awe of his new ability. He now enjoys waving them in the general vicinity of his toys to make them bounce around. (see the video... it's just too cute).
Well, I hope you all are having better weather than us. We have finally had a day where it was about zero for the first time since November!!! Hopefully it will continue to be nice out and the snow will soon be melted - because until the snow is all gone, whenever it is warm, Yellowknife turns into a big slush factory... yuck.
Here are some pictures (and a video). Hope you enjoy them.

Caleb playing with his best friend Buttercup (the cow). He loves to wave her around and watch her move.

Here is a typical Caleb smile... we finally managed to capture it on film.

Just in case you doubted that he ever cries... here is the evidence. Caleb can pitch a wonderful fit when he is in the mood. He also hates getting his face washed... which is what prompted this outburst :)

tomatoes of the season!!!
And finally, here is Caleb in his full set up to go for a walk. This was on one of our warmest days so far... he has on pants and sweaters and two pairs of socks and mittens and a hoodie and a toque and two quilts. The poor guy can really only wave his hands in there and look around. But luckily he slept most of the walk.
And finally, here is the little guy showing off his new moves. He sure has changed since the first video eh!!
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