Random things in Yellowknife
It's been a busy but relatively typical few weeks up here in Yellowknife. Caleb continues to bring a lot of joy to our lives but he has begun to have a few episodes of teething which aren't fun for either him or us. Byron's work tends to be very busy for the first week of each month, so it was nice when that was finally finished.
Here is a little comparison to an earlier picture that you may remember. These sunglasses definitely fit a lot better now. He still needs to practice wearing them, they only lasted for a few seconds before he tried to pull them off.
It's 'break-up' here in Yellowknife. This is the few weeks of spring where it has melted enough that the ice road over Great Slave Lake is no longer stable enough to drive on, but it hasn't melted enough for the ferry to cross the MacKenzie river. So for these weeks we have no road access to the South (or anywhere for that matter). In general you can still get everything you need but it does tend to be a little sporadic (i.e. one day no milk, the next day lots of milk but no fruit). Air Chilled Chicken anyone?? Maybe not.
Here was a day, not too long ago (if you look at the date it was April 24th) when it was -15 in the morning. This was a really cold and frustrating week(yes, the chilliness lasted for a week). We had a beautiful weekend just before this (up to +12) and then to go back down to -15 was a little soul destroying. Let's hope it's the end of temperatures like that for a while.
Caleb giving Buttercup a hug. This is about a week ago and you can see that he's really trying to grab onto Buttercup but isn't quite managing it. At this point he was only grabbing onto things with his fingers (not wrapping his thumb around), not very efficient.
And here, just a few short days later, Caleb discovered his opposable thumb (hooray). You can see the toy in his right hand. It was actually suspended above him and he managed to grab it and pull it off. He loves to lie on his mat (for up to 30 minutes) and grab at the toys above him.
And finally, Caleb's friend Winifred Mae was baptized today. Caleb was quite a good sport and slept through most of the service. That's all for now. Caleb and I (Jen) are off to Vancouver to visit his cousins. We'll try to take lots of pictures (We're also hoping to see Grandma, and maybe some other aunts and uncles).

AHA! La plus ca change, and all that.
Dude, drop me a line... calgary.ted@gmail.com.
Back in 1986, I to made the pilgrammage up north, and spent almost ten years there. Currently in Cowtopia.
Anyhow, keep on keeping on and tell the world what the knife is all about! And then email me... I have a favour to ask.
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