Thursday, August 27, 2009

Caleb Standing

So earlier this week, Byron and I watched as Caleb was kneeling against our ottoman. Slowly, to our amazement, he pulled himself up until he was standing. Very pleased with himself he stood there and gazed around the room, then fell over. He didn't try again until the next day when once or twice he managed to do the same thing. Then on Wednesday something clicked and he figured our exactly how to repeat it. Now he is constantly standing up. It is so weird to look over in the apartment and see this little person just standing there. It makes him seem so big.


Blogger Adam said...

Jen, That is amazing! How do they grow so fast? I think Colin is gonna crawl anyday now. I would like to call you but don't have your number so call me if you like.


8/27/2009 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Marie said...

WOW :)

8/27/2009 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell him to stop! I can't take all this growing. He's getting to be too big.

8/27/2009 4:39 PM  

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