Happy Thanksgiving
We had quite a lovely, though quiet Thanksgiving meal up here. On Sunday there was a potluck at my church which we went to (lots of yummy food) and then today we had a small family meal with just the three of us. Winter has arrived up here so harvest actually took place a few weeks ago but we still ate some potatoes from our garden with our meal. Caleb enjoyed the meal a bit less than we did... as you can see from the picture. He was more focussed on smearing his food all over his face than actually eating. (if you click on the pictures they get bigger)
After about five minutes he has really frustrated and so we took him out of his highchair and cleaned him up. At which point he discovered that food tastes much better when eaten from Mommy's plate.

Needless to say, after this meal it was straight into the bath for Caleb (which he really loves anyways). Getting Caleb to eat continues to be an interesting (and sometimes frustrating) experience. He absolutely refuses to be fed anything from a spoon but now that he has mastered the pincher grasp he is able to 'eat' things such as cheerios, grated carrot, chick peas, apple slices, toast, crackers and grapes. I use the term 'eat' loosely as it mostly involves Caleb putting food in his mouth, swishing it around and then spitting it out. Oh well, it's progress, no matter how small. In general Caleb enjoys eating (or at least playing with his food) though not always. See below. He is quite apprehensive about new tastes... hence all the funny faces.

Caleb's new nemesis is his snowsuit. He does NOT enjoy being zipped up into it. Probably because he can't crawl, stand, grab things or really do anything while wearing it. But he might as well get used to it because we have about six or seven months to go until we won't need it anymore.
Caleb is an active boy (no, really!?!) and changing his diaper has become a skill involving distraction and wrestling. It may take a while but we always manage it in the end.

Needless to say, after this meal it was straight into the bath for Caleb (which he really loves anyways). Getting Caleb to eat continues to be an interesting (and sometimes frustrating) experience. He absolutely refuses to be fed anything from a spoon but now that he has mastered the pincher grasp he is able to 'eat' things such as cheerios, grated carrot, chick peas, apple slices, toast, crackers and grapes. I use the term 'eat' loosely as it mostly involves Caleb putting food in his mouth, swishing it around and then spitting it out. Oh well, it's progress, no matter how small. In general Caleb enjoys eating (or at least playing with his food) though not always. See below. He is quite apprehensive about new tastes... hence all the funny faces.
Who knew Cheerios could be so rough.
As I said before... winter is here. And it seems to be here to stay. We still walk a lot, so to keep Caleb warm we have a cuddle bag in then stroller. He stays nice and toasty in there, at least for now.
And one final cute picture for the road. Hope you all had a great weekend.